With an ever-expanding investment universe open to private investors, identifying the right global strategy for clients can be extremely difficult, while providing the toolkit to access opportunities and hedge against risk is also a challenge. |
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Funds passport still on managers’ wish list
Asset managers have long called for a Ucits-style funds passport in Asia, but rivalry between jurisdictions means it remains a way off yet
An Asian funds passport system has been on the wish list of asset management companies operating in the region for many years. Recent strides point to that concept becoming more likely to emerge.
The Chinese way of searching for luxury
The prime benificiaries of China’s growing wealth have been the brands of the luxury goods sector, a trend that looks set to continue

Expanding horizons
Private banks and wealth managers are looking to broaden their Chinese product offerings in expectation of an easing of the currently restrictive regulations
Most economic commentaries from China now contain more questions than statements of optimistic predictions and corporate intents. The latest note from French bank Edmond de Rothschild poses a number of major queries in its opening salvo about 2011 Asian growth prospects. Interestingly, Rothschild, like many competitors, now talks about risks before returns when discussing China’s future.

Japan squares up to economic aftershocks
Four Tokyo-based financiers give their views on what the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan will mean for the economic outlook
Frank Packard
Japan Representative, Triple A Partners
When the Big Quake struck on Friday afternoon, March 11, I was in the office in Tokyo. After 30 seconds of wild gyrating we knew it was going to be a big one. After another minute of non-stop shaking and grinding, my office mates and I fled down the stairs and on to the streets. Nearly every office nearby had emptied in a similar fashion, and so the streets and the park across the street all became quite crowded.
Managers yet to adapt to harsher climate
With fund flows much lower than they used to be managers need to better accommodate the Asian investor’s mentality
After the impressive inflows from 2005 to 2007, the Asian mutual fund industry is at a crossroads, according to speakers at Fund Forum Asia in Hong Kong. The tightening of regulatory regimes, as a consequence of the financial crisis and Lehman mini bond scandal, has made fund distribution in Asia much tougher and fund flows are currently only a trickle of what they used to be.

Japan squares up to economic aftershocks
Four Tokyo-based financiers give their views on what the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan will mean for the economic outlook
The Chinese way of searching for luxury
The prime benificiaries of China’s growing wealth have been the brands of the luxury goods sector, a trend that looks set to continue

Should investors favour exposure to developed or emerging markets?
Chris Godding (left), EMEA CIO at Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management and Paul Marson, CIO at Lombard Odier Private Bank, debate whether to favour allocations to developed or emerging markets
Global Private Banking Awards 2023
PWM Digital Edition (June - July 2023)
Wealth Tech Awards 2023
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