The global financial crisis and its aftermath are changing the bond market. These involve risks as well as opportunities, and we believe fixed income investment strategies must adapt. Traditionally, investors have allocated a portion of their portfolio to fixed income to manage their portfolio’s overall risk and to generate income. However, we believe traditional fixed income strategies may be less able to provide these benefits in the future and that more flexible investment strategies may be called for.

Indian upstarts make moves into Wealth arena
A number of new, homegrown, players are entering the booming Indian wealth management marketplace, but how will these firms fare in what is already a crowded arena? Rekha Menon reports.

Strategic thinking binding East and West together
Strategic Insight’s Daniel Enskat believes private banks are looking to develop deeper relationships with a smaller number of asset managers, a trend he is witnessing across both Asia and Europe. Yuri Bender reports.

Changing of the guard in Asian private banking
A number of new faces have arrived to populate the Asian wealth management landscape, with Western banks sending over their brighest and best. But local recruitment is also on the increase, writes Sarah Dudney.

Bringing Mutual funds to life
Rick Vargo,DBS |
Investment-linked life insurance products are becoming increasingly important to fund managers as these long-term policies can provide a steady income stream, writes Elisa Trovato. And while there is still strong potential for growth across much of Asia, breaking into this market can be tough.

Regional knowledge essential to building successful strategy
Despite a positive outlook for Asian economies, the region’s hedge funds are going through a tough patch. However Vision’s Jerry Wang is confident China will soon catch the alternatives bug, writes Yuri Bender.
Agriculture serves up food for thought
Desmond Cheung, BlackRock |
A rising global population, increased wealth in the developing world and the growing biofuels industry all demand increased agricultural output, which a number of new funds are looking to target, writes Elliot Smither.
Sourcing alpha from a developing asset class
The Asian fixed income market is far from perfectly efficient, creating plenty of opportunites for active managers, yet most investors are underweight the asset class despite the region’s strong economic fundamentals. Elliot Smither reports.

Spreading the Goldman gospel
With Asian banks moving from open architecture to a more guided approach, Goldman Sachs is aiming to build a number of deep relationships, writes Yuri Bender.
UBS revs up identity change in bid to recover lost ground
Swiss giant UBS has launched a global advertising campaign as the next step in a plan to turn the bank around. Not least of the engines driving the transformation is a five-year deal with Formula 1, writes Bill Yelverton.
Global Private Banking Awards 2023
PWM Digital Edition (June - July 2023)
Wealth Tech Awards 2023
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