Why have I been asked to register to www.pwmnet.com?
Professional Wealth Management’s full archive is only available to registered users. You can get immediate free access by completing a simple registration form.
How do I register to look at the content of www.pwmnet.com?
Simply register here, fill in your details and select your preferences. You should shortly receive an email with an activation link. Click on this to start your account. If you do not see receive the activation email in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder.
What will I be able to access if I register?
Registering enables you to view all the latest articles as well as the full archive since launch. You will also receive a free e-newsletter which informs you when relevant new articles are published.
Is it a free to register to www.pwmnet.com?
Yes - all you need to do is complete the short registration form accurately and activate the account to get full access.
Can I change my password?
Yes - once you have registered and activated your account you can change your password at any time in the "My Account" section.
I have forgotten my password, can I request a reminder?
Yes - click here and enter your email address. If it matches our records you will be sent a reminder email.
Can I get the print magazine?
Yes - you can get an annual subscription to Professional Wealth Management for £475. You will receive 10 issues of the magazine. Click here to subscribe
What is the price for non-Uk residents?
If you are based in Europe you will charged €575 and customers in the rest of the world will be charged $775 USD.
I registered for e-alerts on the previous website for Professional Wealth Management - are my details already registered for the new online service?
Not currently - you need to re-register for the new site get access. We are in the process of contacting our paid subscribers and registrants to advise them of this brand new service. If you have not been contacted by us please complete the online form to sign up for this additional service.