Brazil learning to cope with growing pains
Gustavo Rengel |
Brazil makes for a compelling medium to long-term investment opportunity, but the country must first overcome high rates of inflation and the effects of a strong currency
In the past decade, Brazil has been often thought as the B of the Bric countries –Brazil, Russia, India and China – since the acronym was created by Goldman Sachs in 2001. Yet, the largest Latin American country represents a powerful long-term investment story on a stand alone basis too.
Value abounds amid American gloom
The US maybe suffering from slowing growth and worries over the national debt but falling equity prices are creating opportunities for adventurous stock pickers
New concepts with a health warning
Mattia Nocera, Belgrave Capital Management & Securities |
Innovative products can help clients to achieve their objectives and manage risk, but many are viewed with cynicism and have a long way to go to shake off the image of being little more than fee-generators

Emerging markets move to centre of client portfolios
Emerging market strategies now form the core of investors’ portfolios, but opinion remains divided as how best to harness the rapid growth seen across the developing world
Emerging market investments have finally made the long transition from peripheral to core positions in institutional and wealthy private client portfolios, believes Daniel Enskat, head of global consulting at Strategic Insight.
Securities firms shake-up Korean wealth landscape
Eun Jung Lim, Woori Investment & Securities |
New rules have seen Korea’s securities firms join major banks in developing asset management capabilities, while the growth of funds looks set to continue
The South Korean wealth management space is heating up and has become more diversified and competitive recently. This is since securities companies, which until two years ago could only offer brokerage and investment banking services, were also allowed asset management capabilities by new regulations.
Clients catch on to risk management
Ashish Khetan, Kotak Mahindra |
Following the financial crisis, risk management is firmly on the agenda, but Asian clients like to spread their wealth across a number of private banks, creating greater challenges for providers
Holistic approach’ is one of private bankers’ favourite expressions when it comes to risk management. Like holistic medicine looks at the entire person without treating one particular symptom, a holistic risk management technique must analyse a portfolio of assets in its entirety.
Global Private Banking Awards 2023
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