Pierre Bonart
“Our recommended portfolio allocation still appears to be well suited for current market conditions. Our 60 per cent equity positioning reflects our positive view for equities in both absolute and relative terms. Some 10 per cent of our equity exposure is invested in mining and energy stocks, for both diversification and return enhancements. Although a world of low and stable inflation implies no major moves in the Treasury this year, we continue to advocate a prudent view because of the poor risk overall risk ratio of this asset class.”
Amount (E) Fund
30,000 L Multi Hedge
7500 Legg Mason America Value
7500 WP Select Growth (US Conservative Growth)
7000 Comgest Asia
5000 AXA World Talents
5000 Croissance Euro Actions (Euro Growth Equities)
5000 L Convertibles
5000 Louvre Multi Select Emerging Equity Fund
5000 Louvre Multi Select Global Bond Fund
5000 MLIIF World Energy Fund
5000 MLIIF World Mining Fund
5000 OPA Monde
5000 Pioneer Top European Players
3000 Wanger AM New America Small Caps