Pierre Bonart
“Our market view remains globally unchanged, with a positive stance towards equity, supported by sustained growth, low inflation, ample global liquidity and moderate valuations. The diversification role played by our energy and mining equity investments within the portfolio has been especially evident in January; they helped reduce portfolio’s volatility and had a significant contribution to performance. On the fixed income side, the structural forces holding down bond yields may persist so we don’t expect much rise in global yields.”
Amount (E) Fund
30,000 L Multi Hedge
7,500 Legg Mason America Value
7,500 WP Select Growth (US Conservative Growth)
7,000 Comgest Asia
7,000 Louvre Multi Select Global Bond Fund
5,000 AXA World Talents
5,000 Croissance Euro Actions (Euro Growth Equities)
5,000 Louvre Multi Select Emerging Equity Fund
5,000 Pioneer Top European Players
5,000 MLIIF World Energy Fund
5,000 MLIIF World Mining Fund
5,000 OPA Monde
3,000 Fortis Convertible Bond Europe
3,000 Wanger AM New America Small Caps