Robert Burdett
“After July’s bounce, August continued to see progress, with even some higher beta areas doing well. Also bonds rallied on the Fed, giving a good month for investors. Thames River High Income fund had a good debut month in our portfolio relative to the conventional bond fund it replaced, and the government bond funds from Mellon and Thames River did well relative to their peers. In Europe, we back JO Hambro’s defensive stance, and stick with Mainfirst for the bounce after a difficult period for this high flyer.”
Amount (E) Fund
16,000 CS Bond Lux Target Return Euro
15,000 Thames River Global Bond
13,000 JOHCM Continental European
13,000 Mellon UG Global Bond
10,000 Mainfirst Avant Garde
8,000 JOHCM UK Growth
7,000 Merrill Lynch Flexible US Equity
5,000 JPMF Tokyo Alpha Plus
4,000 Thames River Global EM
4,000 Thames River High Income
3,000 Findlay Park US Smaller Cos
2,000 Aberdeen Asia Pacific