Kelly Prior
“Having continued the recent trend initially, February ended with a sharp reversal of the recent risk trade. Overweight equities versus bonds was negative. Higher beta markets and funds suffered the most, though the Findlay Park US Smaller Companies and Thames River Global Emerging Markets funds were far ahead of their peer groups. Our Japanese and fixed income funds rose in value alongside their markets. Looking through recent volatility we remain confident of our bias towards equities, but are considering the individual exposures given the potential increase in volatility ahead.”
Amount (E) Fund
18,000 CS Bond Lux Target Return Euro (total return, long-only)
15,000 Thames River Global Bond (Total return OECD bonds)
13,000 JO Hambro Capital Markets Continental European (Continental European blend sector driven equity)
13,000 Mellon UG Global Bond (Global macro bonds)
10,000 Mainfirst Avant Garde (Pan-European Growth concentrated equity)
8,000 JO Hambro Capital Markets UK Growth (UK blend active)
5,000 BlackRock MLIF Flexible US Equity (US flexible blend)
5,000 JPMF Tokyo Alpha Plus (pragmatic flexible trading)
4,000 Thames River Global Emerging Markets (pragmatic emerging equity)
4,000 Thames River High Income (global credit flexible total return)
3,000 Findlay Park US Smaller Cos (fundamental value small cap)
2,000 Aberdeen Asia Pacific (fundamental quality multi-cap)