Pierre Bonart
“Interest rates are likely to rise over a six to 12 month horizon. Therefore, the drop of US and euro 10-year government bonds yields over the past month should be deemed as an interesting opportunity to reduce further our exposure to fixed income products and introduce Reverse International Bond, a fund with a negative sensitivity to interest rates. Our scenario of the main equity indices evolving within a tight trading range over the next weeks is still intact.”
Amount (E) Fund
20,000 Louvre Multi Select Global Bond Fund
17,000 Legg Mason America Value
8250 T Multivalor
7500 Credit Suisse Asset Management Convertible Bond Europe
7500 Croissance Euro Actions (Euro growth equities)
7500 Reverse International Bond
6250 MLIIF World energy fund
5000 Capital International Fund (World equites)
5000 Nouvelle Croissance Asie (Asian ex Japan equities)
5000 Agressor - La Financiere de l'Echiquier (Small-cap value)
5000 Nouvelle Croissance Japon – Invest Asia (Small/mid cap growth)
3000 Louvre Multi Select Emerging Equity
3000 Wanger AM New America Small Caps