Pierre Bonart
Pierre Bonart, head of multi-management, Louvre Gestion Based in: Paris, France
“Our main scenario remains unchanged. We’re still in a transition market where trends on equities only take place in specific market segments. We sold our exposure to mining in March for energy, because of fears about the growth potential of China. These fears, which have triggered a major decline in the mining sector in April, have been exaggerated. We therefore reintroduce this fund in our allocation because of its growth prospects, but remain careful on valuations.”
Amount (E) Fund
20,000 Louvre Multi Select Global Bond Fund
14,000 Legg Mason America Value
8500 T Multivalor
7500 Credit Suisse Asset Management Convertible Bond Europe
7500 Croissance Euro Actions (euro growth equities)
7500 Reverse International Bond
5000 MLIIF World energy fund
5000 Capital International Fund (world equites)
5000 Nouvelle Croissance Asie (Asian ex Japan equities)
5000 Agressor – La Financiere de l'Echiquier (small cap value)
5000 Nouvelle Croissance Japon – Invest Asia (small/mid cap growth)
4000 MLIIF World Mining Fund
3000 Wanger AM New America Small caps
3000 MLIIF World Mining Fund