Dario Brandolini
“Our portfolio is fairly balanced between bond and equity. The disappointing returns of the euro government bonds drove us to a wider diversification within the bond portfolio. For this reason on one side we invested in bond funds with a total return approach, and on the other side we invested in bond markets outside the euro area, such as as the Sterling area or the ABS market. The equity component of the portfolio is invested in a wide range of themes and fund styles, from property in Asia to renewable energy. Our preferences go towards global themes with a moderate overweight on Europe.”
Amount (E) Fund
10,000 JPM Europe Bond
6,000 INVESCO Sterling Bond
5,000 JPM Highbridge Statistical Mkt Neutral EUR
4,000 Vitruvius European Equity
4,000 Hend PanEur Small Cap
4,000 Parvest Europe Opportunities
4,000 FT European Equ.
4,000 JPMF Europe Dynamic
3,500 M&G American Fund
3,500 Vitruvius US Eq.
3,500 FT M Beacon US Eq A
3,500 Parvest US Value
3,500 MLIIF US Focused Value EUR Hdg
3,000 CS BF (Lux) Target Return (Euro) B EUR
3,000 PARV Dynamic ABS C
3,000 Saint Honoré Obblig Opportunites EUR
3,000 Vitruvius Japanese EUR Eq.
3,000 Parvest Japan EUR Hedged
2,500 MS Asian Property
2,000 GLG Performance N EUR
2,000 IXIS Oakmark Global Value
1,500 M&G Global Basics
1,500 IXIS AMA Pacific Rim Equities
1,000 FT Technology
1,000 MS Global Brands
1,000 CS Global Telecom
1,000 MLIIF World New Energy