Dario Brandolini
“Our portfolio is fairly balanced between bond and equity. In the euro bond area the investment in funds with a total return approach has been eliminated. The equity component of the portfolio remains quite conservative, although there are some more aggressive US funds in the portfolio. Our preferences are now more balanced between defensive funds or defensive themes as property and telecom, and aggressive themes, as technology for example, or aggressive funds.”
Amount (E) Fund
10,000 AXA WF Euro Bond 10+LT
10,000 JPM Europe Bond
9,500 CS Euro Bond B
9,500 Parvest Euro Bond C Euro
4,000 JPMF US Dynamic
4,000 Vitruvius US Eq.
4,000 Parvest US Quant C USD
4,000 M&G American Fund
4,000 Parvest US Value
3,500 CS Global Telecom
3,500 IXIS Oakmark Global Value
3,500 JPMF Global HealthTech
3,500 FT Technology
3,500 Hend Japanese Eq.
3,000 Pictet Water R
2,500 Vontobel European Value
2,500 Parvest Europe Alpha
2,500 JPMF Europe Dynamic
2,000 Hend European Property
1,000 Vontobel Far East A2$