‘Promotori’ key in opening fund range

Vincenzo Bafunno, chief executive officer of UniCredit group’s Xelion Bank will be talking of the key role of “promotori” in opening up the fund range in Italy and the importance of a chargeable advisory service for clients at the fifth in the European Fund series of afternoon conferences, to be held at the Hotel Principe di Savoia, in Milan’ s Piazza della Repubblica on 18 October. Last year, Xelion Bank introduced advisory contracts to the market aimed at helping clients to select the best funds amongst the 1,200 funds that the bank offers from 25 different managers. Other speakers include Massimo Arrighi, chief executive officer of Banca Fideuram, Alessandro Foti, chief executive officer at the online open architecture bank Fineco, Giovanni Viani, head of retail and private banking at Sanpaolo IMI. There will also be interactive panel discussions on fund selection, multi-manager businesses and changing role of manufacturers and distributors in view of new potential legislative developments. Representatives of financial institutions such as Pioneer Investment Management, Mediolanum and the Monte Paschi foundation will also be involved. The latest in the series, organised by PWM in association with BNP Paribas Asset Management, the event follows last year’s successful Milan event, attended by over 150 delegates. Complimentary places are still available to PWM readers. To register, call +44 (0) 207 382 8184, e-mail finance.event@ft.com or visit www.ftbusiness.com.