Direkt Anlage Bank
What’s hot? The DWS funds from Deutsche Bank are the most popular at the moment. Other popular domestic products are DIT from Dresdner Bank and Activest from Hypovereinsbank. Foreign names which are liked are Fidelity, Gartmore and Threadneedle. What’s not? The funds with the worst performance. Best selling fund, Q3 2001: Not disclosed, although the best seller for the week to 2 November was Deutsche Bank’s DWS Biotech-AKT. What makes a customer choose a fund? A combination of brand, performance and price. If there is an unknown investment company with a bad performance, its funds will not sell. Are customers baffled by the number of funds available in a supermarket? Yes, especially in the past two years, when the number of funds has been rising in Germany. What do you provide to help? A new product-service structure, as of October, involves a pre-selection covering all investor interests. Direkt Anlage then says to clients that such and such a fund has a good brand and good track record. Details of this are available on the website. But all mutual funds are still available through the platform. An online tool, Fund Investor, gives a fund’s performance and other criteria, such as investment style, where it is investing and so on.