Jean-François Gilles

“The slight improvement in the US economy is gaining ground week after week. Mr Greenspan’s statements about US growth seemed daring at the time. Today, they are more credible. To tilt our portfolio sensibility towards world growth, we are introducing the Capital International Fund. On top of this, the US accounts for 25 per cent of our allocation through Legg Mason’s America Value and Wanger’s New America Small Caps.” Amount (E) - Fund 25,000 - Louvre Multi Select LMS Global Bond Fund 20,000 - Legg Mason America Value 12,500 - Comgest Asia 7500 - ADI Convex Valor (convertible bond arbitrage) 7500 - Credit Suisse Asset Management Convertible Bond Europe 7500 - Agressor – La Financiére de l’Echiquier (small cap value) 5000 - Go Fx Euro Govies (sovereign bonds) 5000 - Pimco Total Return (US fixed income) 5000 - Wanger AM New America Small Caps 5000 - Capital International Fund (world equity)