Bernard Aybran
“We left the overall allocation between bonds and equity unchanged since last month. However, given the very high volatility of interest rates, we dramatically reduced our duration to the minimum within the fixed income funds. We replaced it with corporate bonds and money markets. Within the equity funds, we mainly kept the allocation unchanged except we reduced the exposure to the highest beta portfolio we invest in: the Merrill Lynch Focused Value.” Amount (E) - Fund 25,000 - MultiAlternatif Equilibre (fund of hedge funds) 10,000 - Saint-Honoré Sécurité (money markets) 7000 - Goldman Sachs Global High Yield (high yield, US dollars) 7000 - Agressor (French equity) 7000 - ML Focused Value (US equity) 7000 - Oblig Inflation (index linked bonds) 5000 - Victoire Obligations Internationales (investment grade) 5000 - Socgen International (global equity) 5000 - Nouvelle Europe (Europe equity) 5000 - Centifolia (French equity) 5000 - Franklin Mutual European Equity (Europe equity) 4000 - Callander Asset (US Small Caps) 4000 - CG Nouvelle Asie (Asia X Japan equity) 2000 - AXA Euro Credit (investment grade euro) 2000 - IDE France Dynamisme (French equity)