Julien Moutier
“Over the month, our balanced portfolio has benefited from several bets such as European equities, corporate and emerging high yield and global government bonds. Our bets taken for diversification purposes on gold and other commodities have negatively contributed in the context of soft landing expectations. Therefore, we have cut our exposure to the specific underlying fund (Axa Or et Matières premières) activating a stop-loss. This month we have also slightly reduced the duration on Euro and US curves taking profit on this theme.”
Amount (E) Fund
15,000 Alternatime 300
15,000 BNP Paribas Sélection Obligations
15,000 CAAM Dynarbitrage Var 20
8,000 PAM Bonds Higher Yield
8,000 Morgan Stanley Japanese Equity Value
7,000 Convertible Fund - Convertible International
6,000 Parvest Europe Value
6,000 Fidelity South East Asia
5,000 Carmignac Investissement
5,000 Cyril Convertible Taux
5,000 Mellon Global Bonds
5,000 State Street Actions Euroland