Robert Burdett
“Falling oil prices and a further Fed pause helped the rally from the May lows continue through September. The US led the way, with Europe showing well too and, within bonds, our portfolio’s best returns were from Mellon Global rebounding well from a difficult period earlier in the year. Japan lagged but our selection of the JPMF Tokyo Alpha Plus outperformed. Elsewhere, Findlay Park did well as did JO Hambro in both the UK and on the Continent.”
Amount (E) Fund
16,000 CS Bond Lux Target Return Euro
15,000 Thames River Global Bond
13,000 JO Hambro Capital Markets Continental European
13,000 Mellon UG Global Bond
10,000 Mainfirst Avant Garde
8,000 JO Hambro Capital Markets UK Growth
7,000 Merrill Lynch Flexible US Equity
5,000 JPMF Tokyo Alpha Plus
4,000 Thames River Global Emerging Markets
4,000 Thames River High Income
3,000 Findlay Park US Smaller Cos
2,000 Aberdeen Asia Pacific