Bernard Aybran
“Our balanced portfolio remained broadly unchanged last month. Indeed, the trends in place on major markets remain broadly intact. Investors keep scratching their heads in search of reasons to worry. Where the consensus was expecting some kind of landing (hopefully of the soft kind), what we get are sound figures so far, generally stronger than previously expected. Thus, in this context, our portfolio remains mainly invested on one of the cheapest areas around: Europe. One fifth of the equity portfolio is on US markets. The fixed income portfolio has managed to produce positive returns in January, while interest rates were trending up.”
Amount (E) Fund
20,000 MultiAlternatif Equilibre (fund of hedge funds)
7,500 Centifolia (French equity)
7,500 Ecofi Actions Rendement (Europe Equity)
7,500 Franklin Mutual European Equity (Europe Equity)
7,500 New Star European Growth (Europe Equity)
7,000 CAAM Dynarbitrage International (Sovereign Debt)
5,000 Saint-Honoré Signatures + (high yield EUR)
5,000 Saint-Honoré Oblig Opportunités (opportunistic bonds)
5,000 Victoire Oblig Internationales (Global Fixed Income)
5,000 ING US High Dividend (US Equity)
5,000 Kinetics Paradigm (US Equity)
5,000 ML US Focused Value (US Equity)
5,000 Oyster Europen Opportunities (Europe Equity)
5,000 Tricolore Rendement (French Equity)
1,500 ING Emerging Debt Hard Currency (Emerging Debt)
1,500 First State China Growth (China Equity)