The CBI Index: why, what, who and when

A look at what the CBI Index entails and who is likely to find it useful
The CBI Index operates as a comprehensive ranking system to evaluate active citizenship by investment programmes, delivering objectivity and accuracy in an industry that can at times be subject to misinformation.
Relying on quantitative and qualitative research, and bringing together distributed pockets of data, the CBI Index is also an integrated resource designed to facilitate reference and review of citizenship by investment programmes, and to provide a single, comprehensive tool on which analysis and personal evaluation can be based.
The CBI Index allows for two modes of comparison: a ranking of the overall performance and desirability of 12 CBI programmes, and a ranking by reference to seven ‘pillars’. The latter focuses on specific programme factors, such as mandatory travel and residence requirements, allowing readers to isolate programme attributes and create a citizenship strategy focused on their individual priorities.
The CBI Index is intended for the use, in the first instance, of finance advisers, attorneys, and practitioners. In the second instance, it is hoped that businesspersons, investors, and international families will themselves take the opportunity to assess the citizenship by investment options currently available to them. In both cases, the CBI Index will assist the making of sound decisions on citizenship by investment, help assess current trends, and predict future ones.
The CBI Index is constantly evolving, responding to changes in the legal framework in which the programmes exist, and to the socio-economic developments that shape citizenship by investment jurisdictions. In line with our commitment to truth and exactness, the CBI Index will therefore be re-issued on an annual basis.