The growth potential of frontier markets is huge, and a number of funds provide investors with a way in, but these opportunities come with considerable risk

Watch out Europe, the Americans are coming
With US equities flavour of the month, confident American managers are looking to gain a greater share of European assets
Concerns over excitable market in US election year
US markets have performed well over the past year, but there are worries that they do not accurately reflect the state of the country’s economy

Concern over Chinese slowdown overstated
China’s economic growth may be slowing but this is, at least in part, due to deliberate government policy and should not scare off potential investors
Italian fund houses struggling to cope with foreign invasion
Italian fund houses are used to having free rein in their domestic market, but international firms are now a growing presence in the country. Yet both sides stand to benefit if they partner together
Calling the shots
Facing up to a variety of challenges, groups which are seen as regional leaders in private banking are paving the way with company wealth management strategies which are responding to the changing landscape

Standard Chartered seeks northern exposure
Rajesh Malkani, head of Asian wealth management at Standard Chartered, discusses the opportunities opening up in China and how tighter regulations have strengthened Singapore

Time to show faith in Islamic finance
Private banks have been slow to explore the opportunities that Islamic finance could offer, but there are signs this is starting to change

The gradual rise of the renminbi
China’s currency may have a long way to go before it reaches “reserve” status, but other nations are under no illusions as to the renminbi’s potential
European equity funds provide rich pickings
The huge number of European equity funds on offer provides plenty of opportunities, but fund selectors need to be aware of managers’ preferences for their home nation
Global Private Banking Awards 2023
PWM Digital Edition (June - July 2023)
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