Robert Burdett
“An ugly month for markets means relative returns are all we can console ourselves with and our Asian selection was top quartile and funds in the bond arena did better. We have decided that as a single fund to represent Japan, Atlantis may not be appropriate in the short term. This fund goes and in comes JPMF Tokyo Alpha Plus managed by Osezawa-san with the flexibility to go highly liquid when deemed appropriate. Otherwise our current portfolio and weightings remain the same.”
Amount (E) Fund
16,000 CS Bond Lux Target Return Euro (Total return, long only)
15,000 Thames River Global Bond (Total return OECD bonds)
13,000 JO Hambro Capital Markets Continental European
13,000 Mellon UG Global Bond (Global macro bonds)
12,000 Mainfirst Avant Garde (Pan-European Growth concentrated equity)
8,000 JO Hambro Capital Markets UK Growth (UK blend active)
5,000 JPMF Tokyo Alpha Plus (pragmatic flexible trading)
5,000 Legg Mason Strategic Value (US Large Cap Value)
5,000 Merrill Lynch Flexible US Equity (US Flexible Blend)
4,000 Baring High Yield Bond (High yield debt)
2,000 New Star Asian Opportunities
2,000 Thames River Global Emerging Markets