Robert Burdett
“The bull run continues, favouring countries with the best growth rates (Asia) or the best recovery prospects (Japan and Europe). Japan came top but you had to be in large caps to make the most of it. Our asset allocation worked well for us, both in terms of overweighting equities in general and Asia, Japan and Europe specifically. Star performers were JOHCM Continental European and New Star GIF Asian Opportunities, and Credit Suisse Target Return. ”
Amount (E) Fund
15,000 Thames River Global Bond (Total return OECD bonds)
14,000 JO Hambro Capital Markets Continental European (Continental European blend sector driven Equity)
14, 000 Schroder ISF European Alpha (Pan European GARP concentrated equity)
13,000 CS Bond Lux Target Return Euro (Total return, long only)
13,000 Mellon UG Global Bond (Global macro bonds)
8,000 JO Hambro Capital Markets UK Growth (UK blend active)
8,000 Legg Mason Strategic Value (US Large Cap Value)
5,000 Atlantis Japanese Opportunities(Japanese Garp equity small cap)
4,000 Baring High Yield Bond (High yield debt)
2,000 Franklin Mutual Beacon (US mixed asset total return)
2,000 New Star Asian Opportunities (Macro/stockpicking GARP/Growth style)
2,000 Thames River Global Emerging Markets (Pragmatic emerging equity)