Peter Fitzgerald
“We believe it is essential to compliment equities with alternatives such as hedge funds. We have seen many changes in the hedge fund universe over the past 10 years and are of the opinion that it is now more appropriate to categorise managers as either having a directional bet or not and hence we have merged the long-short fund into the directional/market neutral funds. On the equity side, we removed the JO Hambro Continental European Fund and invested the proceeds between our existing European managers: Artemis with its momentum bias and the value discipline of the IdB Equity Income Fund.”
Amount (E) Fund
12,000 ABN AMRO Europe Bond
11,250 ARS - Market Neutral
11,250 ARS - Directional Managers
10,000 Pimco Total Return
8,000 Advent Global Convertibles Securities Strategy
7,500 IdB Alchemy N.V.
6,750 Artemis European Growth
6,750 IdB Equity Income
2,500 Invesco Perpetual High Income
2,500 AXA-Rosenberg US Equity Alpha
2,500 Wellington US Equity Research
2,200 Thames River Global Emerging Markets
2,000 Standard Life UK Equity High Income
2,000 Aberdeen Asia Pacific
1,900 Schroder Tokyo
1,900 Polar Capital Japan
1,500 First State Asia Pacific Leaders
1,500 Rodina Fund Ltd.
1,400 Cambrian
1,300 Cazenove UK Growth & Income
1,200 Henderson Pan European Smaller Companies
1,100 Genus 15
1,000 Orbis Japan