Peter Fitzgerald
“June and July were difficult months and they witnessed a big reversal in the markets. The rapid unwinding of the short financials/long energy/long commodity trade has hit many managers. Those who had previously done well suddenly found themselves losing money also. Those who were relatively nimble managed to cushion the loss to some extend. Some hedge funds will undoubtedly have been hit. We expect some further pain in the energy sector and commodity area but will look to allocate money to some specialist funds in this area following any further falls.”
12,500 ARS - Directional Managers
12,500 ARS - Market Neutral
10,000 ABN AMRO Europe Bond
10,000 Pimco Total Return
7,000 AXA-Rosenberg US Equity Alpha
7,000 IdB Equity Income
7,000 Wellington US Research
5,000 Advent Global Convertibles Securities Strategy
5,000 IdB Alchemy N.V.
5,000 IdB Real Estate Equity
4,000 First State Asia Pacific Leaders
4,000 Nevsky Emerging Markets
4,000 Odey Pan European
3,000 Schroder Tokyo
2,000 SIM Global Best Ideas
2,000 Cash