Marjolijn Breeuwer
“We are gradually decreasing the US equity exposure. We also added a small position in Genus 15. Genus 15 focuses on a selected universe of under-followed European (ex-UK) firms whose earnings potential is not recognised by the market. The long segment of the portfolio will be concentrated into a maximum of 15 equities representing the managers highest conviction ideas. On the short side, the manager tends to focus on those firms where cash flow generation is weak but not yet fully reflected in reported earnings. ”
Amount (E) Fund
30,000 Insinger de Beaufort Multi-Manager Zeus (fund of hedge funds)
12,800 ABN Amro European bond (European bonds)
8000 Wellington US Equity Research (US large cap core)
8000 Axa-Rosenberg US Equity Alpha (US large cap core)
6900 Thames River Global Bond (global fixed income)
6600 Pimco Total Return (US fixed income)
5200 GAM North American Growth (US all cap absolute return long only)
2500 JO Hambro Continental-European (Large & mid cap)
1900 Odey Pan European (top-down Pan-European)
1800 Thames River European (continental-European large cap)
1800 Thames River Global Emerging Markets (global emerging markets)
1700 Ashmore EMLIP (sovereign high yield)
1500 Rodinia (global ex-US small/mid cap)
1400 Cambrian (US small/ mid caps)
1300 Polar Capital Japan (Japan equity)
1200 Aberdeen Asia Pacific (Asia ex-Japan)
1200 Henderson Japanese Equity (Japan equity all cap)
1200 Invesco Perpetual High Income (UK core, income)
1100 Liontrust First Income (UK core)
1000 Henderson Pan European Smaller Comps (pan-Europe small caps)
1000 Genus 15 (continental Europe long/short)
1000 Cazenove UK Growth & Income (UK top down)
900 Legg Mason Japan Equity (Japan large caps)