Gary Potter and Rob Burdett
“October saw exceptional moves in almost all asset classes. Much has been written, and we have little to add bar highlighting a good relative month for fund selection. Notable amongst relative performers were new addition Morant Wright Japan and recently increased government debt fund Thames River Global Bond. We used volatile conditions to nip and tuck the portfolio, trimming the UK via Rensburg, taking a little out of each European fund, adding Neptune US Opportunities. We remain cautious strategically, tactically we need to be aware.”
13,000 Thames River Global Bond EUR (total return global government)
10,000 Findlay Park US Smaller Companies (quality value driven small and mid-cap)
9,000 Thames River High Income EUR (active global credit E-hedged)
8,000 JO Hambro Capital Management Japan (value-driven mid-cap bias)
7,500 Blackrock Absolute Alpha (UCITS III narrow long-short equity)
7,500 Cazenove UK Absolute Target (UCITS III narrow long-short equity)
7,000 Invesco Sterling Bond (flexible sterling fixed income)
6,000 Neptune US Growth (flexible thematic stock driven)
6,000 Nevsky Global Emerging Markets Fund (directional long-only equity)
5,000 IVI European (intrinsic value-driven cash flow focus)
4,000 Cazenove European (business cycle relative value)
4,000 MW Japan (value-driven mid-cap bias)
4,000 Neptune European Growth (flexible thematic stock driven)
4,000 Veritas Asian Fund (real return Asian equity)
3,000 Rensburg UK Managers' Focus (focus fund pooling for managers' best ideas)
2,000 Old Mutual Dublin UK Select Smaller Cos (capacity limited UK small cap top-down/bottom up)