David Bulteel
“In the US, the fourth quarter reporting season went without a hitch, with most companies reporting in line with expectations. Where there were surprises, they were, in the main, positive. Against this background, we recommend an overweight equity, underweight fixed interest strategy and this is reflected in our portfolio. There are no changes recommended to the individual funds at this stage.”
Amount (E) - Fund
14,500 - Fidelity Funds European Bond Fund
12,500 - Gartmore CSF European Bond
11,675 - Gartmore CSF Continental Europe (large cap)
11,675 - Investec GSF Continental European Equity
11,650 - Henderson Horizon Continental European Equity
10,000 - Baring European Bond Fund
9400 - Cash
5375 - Credit Suisse USA Equity
5375 - GAM Star American Focus (equity)
3200 - Lazard UK Equity
2650 - Mellon Newton Asian Equity Portfolio
2000 - Martin Currie Japan Fund (equity)