David Bulteel, head of international portfolio management, Carr Sheppards Crosthwaite<br>Based in: London, UK

“For some time, we have been arguing that bond markets have looked overpriced and this has now proved to be the case. If we see any more weakness we are likely to become buyers of fixed interest stocks. However, for the moment we maintain our stance and have no changes to make to the portfolio.”
Amount (E) | Fund
16,575 | Gartmore CSF Continental Europe (large cap)
14,500 | Fidelity Funds European Bond Fund
12,500 | Gartmore CSF European Bond
11,675 | Investec GSF Continental European Equity
11,650 | Henderson Horizon Continental European Equity
10,000 | Baring European Bond Fund
5375 | Credit Suisse USA Equity
5375 | GAM Star American Focus (equity)
3200 | Lazard UK Equity
2650 | Mellon Newton Asian Equity Portfolio
2500 | Findlay Park US Smaller Companies
2000 | Martin Currie Japan Fund (equity)
2000 | Cash