Christoph Hott
“Within Sal Oppenheim’s Fonds Office we evaluate two aspects of performance: return and risk (as defined by the standard deviation of returns and tracking error versus the benchmark). It is important to remember that most managers experience out- and under-performance over a market cycle. While relative performance is therefore unstable over time, the types and level of risk assumed by a manager in his search for ‘alpha’ is generally much more stable. In other words, managers who are much more aggressive than the benchmark tend to maintain that level of aggressiveness over time.”
Amount (E) Fund
15,000 eb.rexx Gov. Germany 1.5-2.5 yrs
12,000 eb.rexx Gov. Germany 2.5-5.5 yrs
7,500 Allianz-dit High Dividend Discount
7,500 MainFirst avant-garde
7,500 Schroder Euro Dynamic Growth
5,000 BlackRock Merrill Lynch US Growth
5,000 Nordea European High Yield Bond Fund
5,000 OP Hedge Multi Strategies Plus
5,000 OP Value European Equities
5,000 UBS (Lux.) European Opportunities
5,000 UBS Emerging Economies-local currencies
4,000 DWS Bonuszertifikate
4,000 HSBC Trinkaus Aktienstrukturen Europa
2,500 AXA Rosenberg Japan Equ. Alpha
2,500 eb.rexx Gov. Germany 5.5-10.5 yrs
2,500 Janus Intech US Risk Managed Core
2,500 Templeton Asian Growth
2,500 WIP Pramerica US Value