Christoph Hott
“One of the hottest themes in product launches is currently the MENA region, i.e. the Middle East and North Africa. From a fund selector’s point of view, unfortunately the peergroup is rather heterogenous. The most important distinction between funds is the country allocation. Some funds include Turkey and Israel as key markets of the region while others focus on the Gulf countries and/or Northern Africa. Turkey is a typical emerging market story. The Gulf countries use their windfall crude revenues for a prudent transition of their economies. One should not mix the investment cases in one product as they are so different in nature.”
40000 eb.rexx Gov. Germany 1.5-2.5 (euro bond, short term)
8500 Cash
7500 MainFirst avant-garde (Europe equity, large cap growth)
5000 Schroder Euro Dynamic Growth (Europe equity, large cap growth)
5000 OP Value European Equities (Europe equity, large cap value)
5000 UBS (Lux.) European Opportunities (Europe equity, large cap blend)
5000 OP Hedge Multi Strategies Plus (fund-of-hedgefunds, alternative investments)
4000 DWS Bonuszertifikate (European certificate funds, alternative investments)
4000 HSBC Trinkaus Aktienstrukturen Europa (European certificate funds, alternative investments)
3000 Franklin US Opportunities (US equity, large cap growth)
3000 WIP Pramerica US Value (US equity, large cap value)
2500 Janus Intech US Risk Managed Core EUR (US equity, large cap growth)
2000 Templeton Asian Growth (Asian ex J. equity, large cap value)
2000 BGF Latin American (LatAm equity)
2000 BGF Emerging Europe (Eastern Europe equity)
1500 AXA Rosenberg Japan Equ. Alpha (Japan equity, large cap blend)