Christian Jost
“February 2008 was characterised by relatively high price increases in international commodity markets. The oil price broke through the psychological barrier of $100 and attained a new all-time-high of $103. At the same time the price per ounce of gold reached record highs of approximately $970. Experts attribute the recent rally of the gold price to the global weakness of the US dollar, possible inflation threats and uncertainty in regard to the US economy. In order to benefit from the promising commodity development, we bought a fund that gives us exposure to both oil and gold.”
12,500 Capital Invest Trend Bond
10,000 DB Platinum Commodity Euro
10,000 Julius Baer Absolute Return Bond Fund (Total Return Global Fixed Income)
10,000 Ringturm Euro Bond
10,000 Springer European Plus
10,000 Threadneedle American Crescendo Fund Ltd
7,500 Threadneedle Asia Fund
6,000 AMEX WF Local Currency Emerging Market Income
5,000 Credit Suisse Bond Fund (Lux) Inflation Linked (Euro)
5,000 C-QUADRAT ARTS Best Momentum
5,000 Schroder ISF US Small & Mid Cap Equity
5,000 Threadneedle American Select Fund
4,000 Man AHL Diversified Markets EU