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Thematic Investing

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As clients open up to ESG, what role should wealth managers play?

There is a significant opportunity for wealth managers to capitalise on client appetite for integrating ESG principles into their portfolios and furthermore to achieve sustainable goals through those investments

Jeffrey Sacks, Citi

‘Unstoppable’ trends find favour in uncertain world

Thematic funds had been gaining in popularity before the Covid-19 outbreak and as investors struggle to imagine what the future may hold, their appeal looks likely to grow  

Jackie VanderBrug, Merrill and Bank of America Private Bank

Pandemic likely to accelerate push towards ESG investing

The Covid-19 crisis is putting companies’ dealings with their employees and society at large under the spotlight

Elliot Smither web

Private View Blog: ESG - do it for the kids

Private banks are finding that ESG is a way for them to establish relationships with the next generation of clients

Harriet Steele, Hermes

Hermes’ thematic strategies strike chord with private banks

ESG strategies were part of the Hermes offering long before they became fashionable, but are now winning them new business in the wealth management sector 

David Stead, Charities Aid Foundation

Philanthropy reaches the parts impact investing cannot reach

Charitable money is able to take risks other forms of capital cannot and can be even more effective when wealthy donors work together

Elisa Trovato web

Private View Blog: Asset managers shunning chance to change corporations’ climate behaviour

The largest asset managers have the ability to push companies into combating the climate crisis through shareholder voting, but they are not making the most of the opportunity

The Startup Show: 3AI

Artificial intelligence is about to transform an asset and wealth management industry not previously known for its dynamism, 3AI CEO Jacob Ayres-Thomson tells PWM's Yuri Bender

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