St James’s chief to deliver keynote conference speech
Sir Mark Weinberg, president of St James’s Place and one of the most experienced senior management figures in UK financial services, will deliver the keynote address at the fourth in the European Fund Series of afternoon conferences, at the London Stock Exchange on 4 May. Sir Mark founded the Abbey Life and Hambro Life insurance companies and was deputy chairman of the UK regulator during the 1980s. The latest in the series, organised by PWM in association with BNP Paribas Asset Management, will address the changing landscape of the UK financial industry, looking in particular depth at prospects for foreign fund management groups and the role of banks as distributors in a depolarised environment. Other major speakers will include James Bevan, chief investment officer for Abbey, one of the UK’s leading retail banks, recently purchased by Spain’s Santander group, and Gary Potter, who has been instrumental in building up a fund selection system at Credit Suisse. In addition, there will be interactive panel discussions on fund selection, distribution and the place of private banks in the current picture. Complimentary places are still available to PWM readers, especially private bankers, wealth managers, fund selectors and discretionary IFA groups, interested in doing business in the UK market. To register visit www.ftbusiness or email finance.event@