Michael Richter
“We think it is the right time, even for a conservative investor, to include a weighting of up to 50 per cent in equities. In response to the current interest rate situation, emerging market bond and high yield bond funds offer great value. Only the top 10 per cent of funds in each sector qualified for selection in the portfolio.”
Amount (E) - Fund 80,000 - Alliance Capital Management Global Growth Trends (global equity) 65,000 - Deutsche Investment Trust Europazins (European bonds) 60,000 - ABN Amro Europe Bond (European bonds) 50,000 - JPMorgan Fleming Global Fixed Income (global bonds) 45,000 - ABN Amro Global Emerging Markets Bond (emerging market bonds) 45,000 - ABN Amro Global Emerging Markets Equity (emerging market equity) 40,000 - Threadneedle Euro Select Growth (European select growth equity) 35,000 - Alliance Capital Management American Growth (American growth equity) 35,000 - Fidelity International (international equity) 30,000 - DWS Euro-Corporate High Yield (European corporate high yield) 15,000 - Merrill Lynch Global Small Cap (global small cap equity)