Assessing impact of market downturn
Our sixth annual sub-advisory survey aimed at better understanding the sub-advisory drivers, the impact that the market downturn has had on the decision to sub-advise, and how the increased need for transparency has affected the types of asset classes that are most suitable to sub-advisory.
The 50 institutions taking part in the research, profiled in the following tables, include mainly major retail and private banks, insurance companies, wealth and asset managers covering the core European countries, including Austria, France, Italy, the Nordic countries, Spain, Switzerland and the UK. The study targeted mainly those organisations using sub-advisers, which have a deeper understanding of the sub-advisory business. Indeed, more than 90 per cent of the firms that took part in the study are currently employing external sub-advisers – used in single fund management delegation or in their manager of manager business – to manage a total of €73bn. Those firms who sub-advise use, on average, 12 sub-advisers each.
Decision makers completed a questionnaire and responded to in-depth telephone interviews, giving valuable insights into market trends.